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Apothecary creates weapons using human subjects. Their ultimate virus has been lost inside a girl protected by a powerful android of their own creation.
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 Apothic Black: Figures in the dark

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Angel Wing
Angel Wing

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PostSubject: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2012 4:41 pm

The crimson liquid flowed onto his hands and lurked down to the floor. Yet another attempt to recreate the most marvolous creation has failed once more. Why has everything he tried gone wring? It' s not like he was doing anything diferent.
"Um... s-sir, I know this is not my place to say, but we c-" The woman was silenced before she could finish.

"No, you are right; this is not your place. It is nobody's place to have a say in this. I don't care what the boss says. I will not stop until this virus is perfected!" He angrily walks to the door. "Clean this mess up!"

If only the other subject had not slipped through his hands... He'll have to go through all of his notes and research to find out what went wrong.
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Deviant Diva
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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 12:00 am

Mad Cat sits on the ledge of a building over looking the small dive of a diner. There is a giant waffle for a sign high over the parking lot. He swings his feet as he nibbles on a poptart. It was the fastest thing he could grab out of a vending machine. With his accentric outfit and animal body parts he wasn't supposed to draw attention to himself by wondering through public. It could be a real pain in the ass to have to wait for nightfall every time he wants to go out.

He taps his heels against the brick of the building. His ears twitch every time the breeze picks up. If only he could hear what they were or weren't really talking about. It seems intense, but is boring to watch. When the girl storms out Beau follows after. His red hair glows in the sunlight. Mad could just eat that man up. As the girl keeps going on Beau doesn't try to stop her which makes Mad giggle. They had an argument. The android then enters the car and trails her at a such a distance Mad knows he'll lose her. He better be prepared to interfere if she gets out of his range.

He knows his partner should be showing up any minute. Where was she?
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Angel Wing
Angel Wing

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 12:53 pm

"Hey Kitty." She sat down next to him; also eating a poptart. "Guess we had the same thought." She jokes while taking a bite. The views over high up places were always the best; in her opinion. Though none were like a view of the ocean. So open and free, endless like the sky. Cities are too unnatural and lack in beauty. "So should we follow? I put a tracking device on the car when they weren't looking."

Viewing how dangerous and out of this world this mission was those psychos better pay up the exact amount. "Help me understand, because I couldn't focus with the client. Um... We have to kill robot man and capture the girl or capture them both?"
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Deviant Diva
Deviant Diva

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 11:36 pm

His female partner finally shows up. She doesn't surprise him, but most people do not. She has a poptart as well. He glances at her from the corner of his cat eye without turning his head. She's a hollywood sexy not a super model. He appreciates she puts good work into her appearence. He'd known her for only a few short years on random occasions, but they work well together. Not many people can keep up with him let alone tolerate him and vice versa.

"Nice." He hisses when she tells him about the trasor. She then goes on about the objective. "Pretty straight forward for us. We shadow them, find out what they know, learn their personalities, and as much as we can about these lab rats. I gather our employers are trying to figure out why they chose these kids." He explains. "Then when we get the green light we swoop in, capture the girl, and bring the android back in tact. Doesn't really matter if he's alive or not as long as most of his is there so they can study the technology used to create such a divine atomiton." He grins at her. "He was once human, you know?" He stands. "But lets not destroy him. I want him in working condition. Have you seen this perfection of man they designed? Talk about breaking the mold."

He toses the corner of poptart left and pats his hands to shake off the crumbs. With that he checks his phone. "Send me the tracking code." He tells her. "I want to persue him. You can tail that skinny girl." He goes ahead and decides without her consent.
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Angel Wing
Angel Wing

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 12, 2012 12:17 am

Her eyes follow Mad as he goes off chasing his oh so handsome robot boy. It was inevitable that he would fall for their male target. Mad was always drooling over guys like that. Though sometimes annoying, she still hangs around him for more reasons than one. In all the few years they've worked together she's never known how he became such an interesting character, but in some ways it's best to leave it be. They haven't shown any danger to each other, so as long as they have this simple partnership it doesn't matter.

"Ok?" Corie chuckles as she sends her partner the code and another text saying that she admitted their male target is yummy, but seems too young and childish for her taste. "Guess we are in a hurry. Well... I suppose that's best." She makes her way into the streets, following the same path her girl took. In just a few minutes she finds her staring at a bakery shop with a mouth full of drool.

She's... so young. It almost gives her sympathy, but quickly discards it; there is work to be done. She sends the client the girl's location; since they are to let them know everything.

Corie had considered approaching her, but decided it was best to stay in the shadows for now. The young girl moves on away from the bakery, probably because the sight of delicious, unobtainable food was torturing. She would be like that too if she was broke and hungry like a hobo.

The target was so... normal looking. She didn't see a menace, but just a normal looking girl, wishing she could buy that fancy strapless dress displayed on the window. She was an experiment of some other company, but how come? Corie repeatedly sent out the girl's location every time she stopped. All of the places she went were just clothing departments, restaurants, shoe stores; all the places containing things teenage girls would want to have very badly. It reminds her of her younger years.

"How are you doing Kitty?" She talks into the communicator hidden in the neck of her cloak.
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Deviant Diva
Deviant Diva

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 12, 2012 6:16 pm

He leaps off into the air with ease from rooftop to rooftop like a swirly tailed ninja. He's not about to lose this guy again since they left the pegged cell phones behind at the bloody hotel room.

He's not trying to drive fast so it's easy to follow. Mad Cat tries to remember the android's name without checking the notes on his phone which gives a tiny ring like that of a cat bell every time Corie logs in her location. "Starts with a B..." He hums. "Bob, Ben, Be, Bi, Bo..." His eyes light up. "That's it! Beau! I remember that he's my Beau."
It's the he notices the car has stopped. Mad tries to get a better angle to see what he's doing.

"How are you doing, Kitty?" Corie beeps in off the button in the rim of his hat.

"Doing is doing as long as it's fine." He riddles. He flips open the phone to check her location. "Looks to be a bit off course, but not by far. He's stopped. Must be casing the area. BORING," he sings. "It's not fair. I want to encounter this toy. I want to see what he's really made of and how breakable he is." He grins with a deep, sexy tone about his dark thoughts. He really does mean to fight him, but what comes after is all for fun.
"Please tell me you have something interesting to update."

~ ~ ~

Sitting in the back seat of his choufered car he watches the little pink dots pop up on his touch screen open to a map of the city. Each little blip only leads him closer to this new angel he's finally gotten better images of like when she was asleep in the hotel room while wearing that baggy T-shirt she seemed so small, so delicate, so...innocent.

Their paths will soon cross and it sends his heart racing even more so when he saw that familiar face of his supposedly dead toy from the past. How long had it been? At least 8 years that have been kind to her womanhood, but that lingering hatred from when she 1st became a woman has given her an ugly glow. But he doesn't want to focus on that now when he has newer flowers to tend to.

"Master Lye, we have come to a split in the road." His driver speaks up.

"Turn left, straight for five blocks, then right." He instructs.
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Angel Wing
Angel Wing

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 12, 2012 10:35 pm

Corie tries as hard as she could to hold back the laughs that are building up as Mad Cat complains about his desperate need to get robot boy. "Just hang in there honey. You'll get your fun soon." She continues to follow the young girl, who is now looking a bit too weak; must be the lack of food in her system. Poor thing must be starving to death, which makes Corie want to buy her the food she needs, but unfortunately she can't; it's not her job. Again Corie sends out her location.

"Well... if you call watching a young girl continuously drooling on every display window she passes interesting, than yes." It is then Corie is startled by a vibrating motion in her pocket; it's her other cellphone. It could only be one person, but apparently that one has forgotten the rules. It's hurtful, but Corie quickly turns it off. Sorry. Her eyes then fall upon a car passing by her and notices a specific someone, her client. Guess he has decided to join in with them.

Out of the blue a person bumps in to her, making Corie drop the phone she had turned off. When she looks it's the girl she's been following. "Oh..." A nervous laugh escapes them both. The young target kneels down, returns the phone to the woman and apologizes for not noticing her. "It's quite alright. No harm done." The girl continues her walk down the path. Corie's eyes find themselves looking at the Asian girl walking away. Her hazels were filled with worry. Then shift to the passing car and back to the phone. Feelings can never get in the way of her job, nothing can. Focus must always be maintained at all cost or else there will be trouble for her.

"The king's carriage has arrived." She whispers into the communicator before continuing her work.
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Deviant Diva
Deviant Diva

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 1:27 am

"Just hang in there honey. You'll get your fun soon." Corie plays along.

"I better," Mad Cat sighs.

"Well... if you call watching a young girl continuously drooling on every display window she passes interesting, than yes." She continues.

"Sounds super exciting," He rolls his eyes even though she can't see it.
His ears pop up as he notices the android has left the car running and has run into a corner store. "Now what are you doing, hot pants?" He takes a few steps back in order to get a running start. With a light jump he wiggles the cable wire as he elegently tip-toes across it like an acrobat to the buiding across the street. At the end he pops over to the emergency stairs on the side and take them to the ally. He peeks around the side and dares to be in public as he watches Beau make a few small purchases. He glares as hard as he can, but can't make out much more than a pack of cigarettes the clerk grabs from behind the counter. "Robots can smoke? Didn't even know they could breath." He ponders.

Beau turns to head out and Mad Cat ducks back into the ally. He'd of been able to hide in the car with ease, but that's a bit risky. He isn't that drastic to get close to this guy. Besides, if he needs to use his phone this android may hear him and with how he treated his last captives he won't end up a loser like them. He's more of a sadist than a masochist.
"He stopped at a mom-pop grocery, not sure what he bought, but is back in the car & on the move." He reports.

"The king's carriage has arrived." Corie whispers surprising news.

"What is he doing out of his guarded castle?" Mad wonders, but then it comes to him. "Ooo, nevermind."
~ ~ ~
Lye glances out his window and spots the old with the new. An encounter like this is suspicious and not to his liking. He'll have to mention something to Valentina, or rather "Corie" as she calls herself now, about being more cautious. He can only hope she hasn't tipped Juliet off or else his opportunity is spoiled. He is highly skilled, but unsure he can take on a living weapon like her pet android. Good thing for him Mad Cat is within radio distance.
"Driver, slow down, we'll need to circle the block and watch this adorable young asian girl with the lovely long brown hair." He informs him.
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Angel Wing
Angel Wing

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 11:51 am

"What is he doing out of his guarded castle?" Corie made an annoyed face at his dumb question. Out of everybody who has known her client, Mad Cat is suppose to know these things. "Ooo, nevermind."

"Par Dieu, Kitty! I can not believe that you would ask such an idiotic question." Her accent shows more when annoyed or anytime she feels any unpleasant emotions. "That machine of yours must be looking for a smoke." It's common for men to want to let loose with a cigarette. Interesting to say that Corie always keeps with her a box of cigarettes, but has never once smoked one. Whenever she feels frustrated she always takes one out, but only stares at it, as if debating wether or not she should go down that road, but in the end she just gives it to Mad Cat. So that box just ends up being her friend's little supply.

"I accidentally bumped into the target... I think our king saw me... I feel a storm brewing in the horizon." Mr. Anderson will scold her next time they have a meeting, she is sure of it. Now Corie must stay in the shadows like her kitty friend in order to avoid any more encounters.

"Oh! She went into a clothing store." As she follows her inside, Corie spots a very pretty dress that's just screaming for her to buy. "Do you want a shirt?" She asked her friend.
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Deviant Diva
Deviant Diva

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 10:48 pm

"Excusez-moi, c'est quelqu'un sur le chiffon?" Mad Cat snips back. "Never seen my master leaving his stronghold unless he's on the hunt. No other cases even matter to him. This little lab-rat must've caught his fancy." He explains. "Jaloux?" He snickers at her extreme reaction to his little comment.
How she figured the android was buying cigarettes is beyond him, because for all she knew he may have been buying condoms. . . This makes him want to laugh even more. He didn't see all that was bought maybe he did pick up some condoms? A freakish hybrid child, half machine-half human, made of blotches of flesh and chrome becomes an image. Then the intimate scene of Beau having had to pop that condom like a balloon as he's in coitus. Then he switches out the small girl with his small frame, legs up, and being pumped hard. . .

He blinks. "What was I doing?" He asks himself not into the communicator.

"I accidentally bumped into the target... I think our king saw me... I feel a storm brewing in the horizon." Corie lets him know. "Oh! She went into a clothing store." He can hear her enter the store. "Do you want a shirt?"

"Oh, right, tailing that guy," He reminds himself. It takes a second for what Corie said to sink in. "Ooo, bad girl. Slipping in our old age?" He teases. "When it comes to the Master I'd watch out for his dolls from behind, but the bigger threat is getting within his arm legth. He's not your typical-neighborhood-pedophile after all." He warns not knowing how much intel Corie has on Lye, but he'd rather be sure she doesn't get hurt. "So be careful, petite amie."
How fortunate his father is French just as Corie is or else the language barrier she uses would be greater.
"Shirt?! You super tease! I wish I could model some fashion with you. Your body is perfectly tight much like my own." He hums sweetly.

~ ~ ~

"Driver, pull over, our target has entered a building. I will be pursuing on foot, but keep the line open at all times. I will need pick-up shortly." Lye makes a snap decision. He's not one for public areas particuarly since he's a wanted man, but people are so oblivious to the immediate world around them any serial killer can brush against them and they'd never know the difference.

The driver opens the door. Lye steps out and his golden blonde hair gleams in the sun. He has it tied losely in a pony tail at the base of his neck so it's not sticking up like a real tail. He opens his cell and hits #1 on his speed dial.

Mad's ear twitches when his hat gives a tiny beep. "You've got a pussy," He blurts out thinking it's Corie.

"Madden," Lye speaks sternly. Mad Cat's back straightens as if he's right behind him. "Keep close quarters on the android. If he's heading our way inform me immediately. If he comes within 100 feet of us find a way to distract him. Is that clear?"

"Crystal, Master," Mad plays it compliant.
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Angel Wing
Angel Wing

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 19, 2012 12:14 am

Kitty went quiet for a moment, was there interference? She didn't give it much thought; there was a mission they had to do. Focus is a priority and she was not going to slip up another time. Old? I'm not that old... yet. This time she kept her distance. Also pretended to be looking at clothes that seemed too revealing for her. Though those same clothes brought back memories of a time when she loved to wear such pretty outfits all day long. Now she has reduced herself to more conserving ones to remain unnoticed by all the opposite genders. Unfortunately that doesn't stop Madden from invading her space or trying to get her to wear more of these kinky looking garments.

The girl was going through all kinds of pretty looking dresses, but there was one that she loved very much; a white lace dress that just captured her purity and innocence. Something Corie wished she could have enjoyed more and took care off better. A faint smile graced her lips when the little Asian took the dress with her into the fitting room. But that smile was lost when her thoughts went back to someone.

When she turned around Corie bumped into a tall, well dressed man, wearing his hair neatly tied in a pony tail. She was startled a bit. "Sorry... Master." How she loathed to have to call him... in fact anybody that way. "I thought you were going to let us work on this alone. Though I guess it was obvious you wanted to tend to this personally."
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Deviant Diva
Deviant Diva

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 9:54 pm

Lye watches Juliet from a short distance and though she may turn to see him at any moment he's remotely hidden by the racks of clothing. The teen is too distracted by the glam of fashion to notice anything. Such naivity is charming in his eyes.

"Corie-Corie," Mad Cat whispers as soon as Lye hangs up. "The Master is in the store with you. Better look alive." He tries to warn her, but obviously not in time.

Then his view is distrupted by an old sight for sore eyes. She's already ran into the target and now she's ignorantly bumping into him. What kind of slacker has Mad Cat brought to his doorstep? Though she addresses him properly her tone is still in need of adjustment. "Valentina," He flat out speaks her real name like a parent. "How is it a woman of your age is so easily distacted? This isn't a vacation. You came highly recommended. So far what has been witnessed is less than impressive." He informs her a with cool, unforgiving tone. "As for why I am here it really isn't any of your concern, now is it? Just stick to your given objective. Opinions are neither desired nor required, my dear. Less we forget our place."

Lye then glances back over at Juliet fully aware of what Valentina was refering to and isn't a bit ashamed about it. He walks away from Corie casually as if she were nothing more than a stranger and continues to pursue his little Asian butterfly.

~ ~ ~

Mad Cat knows that something is off between Lye and Corie. From the moment she walked into his study the two had a disturbed expression on their otherwise professional faces. He had asked, but didn't get any straight answer. It bugged him for a while, but her reaction convinced him to drop it until he could sleuth it out on his own. After all being a master of espionage and spying is his specialty. He can only hope Lye isn't chewing her out right in that store. His stern ways can scare a viscious junk yard dog.

The android has stopped again. He's sitting against the car with a lit cigarette he's only taken 1 puff of so far, burning away in one hand and a can he can't make out in the other. He has to admire the fact that though he's no longer human he still acts like a real man. Mad's tail curls with the prospect of that smokey smell being inhaled through his nostrels not from a distance but from right off Beau's hair as he runs his long fingernails through it. That grungy mix of beer, cigarettes, cheap cologne, and sweat from a strong man at a dark bar is so intoxicating. Though Beau is too pretty for that sort of crowd, but his demeaner fits right in there naturally.

Mad sighs. He can't stop drifting off into his perverse little daydreams that as long as he has to keep his distance he'll never have. Plus being as they are technically enemies it's a bit less than likely he'll be getting his way at Beau's free will. He can always hope to change that Mad knows he has the power to be very convincing when it comes to someone he wants.
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Angel Wing
Angel Wing

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2012 4:05 pm

Master Lye seemed to have everything covered. It pained her to admit it, but he was right; she was being reckless and distracted. If she is to keep this mission Corie must step up her game, focus and become one with the background; totally invisible. One mistake has already been made, there will be no more. The woman goes back in the streets and into an ally where she finds a fire escape that goes all the way up a building. Up high she has a perfect view of the area.

"I'd appreciate the warning if it was... oh I don't know... about ten minutes before." She sighs. "Il est si méprisable."

The young Asian has now left the clothing store, empty handed. Just like her Kitty guy, Corie jumped from building to building, staying in the shadows. This way there will be no more mistakes or accidental run-ins with the targets. After the little teen walked for another few minutes she stopped in front of a fancy looking restaurant. It reminded her of the cafés back in Paris; the tables were outside, shaded by umbrellas to keep cool.

"What's your update?"
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Deviant Diva
Deviant Diva

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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 12:22 am

"Mon mauvais. . ." Mad Cat coos in French as if to say sorry. "I didn't have time. He surprised me. You're not the only one he took a bite out of." He tells her.
Beau hasn't moved since the last call.
"My boy-toy stopped for a drag, but isn't really sucking it in. I wouldn't mind helping him finish it." He jokes. "My task right now is to keep the distance between him and the Master. I'll let you know first just in case that way you can help him if needed, but I doubt it. You know I'm faster than lightning."

Lye sees Juliet leave, but pays no mind to where Corie went off to as long as she's finally made herself invisible.
He follows her out and it takes only a moment for him to find her standing in front of an imitation French style cafe appearing quite hungry and vulnerable. He slowly moves in.
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PostSubject: Re: Apothic Black: Figures in the dark   Apothic Black: Figures in the dark I_icon_minitime

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